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Maximal Exercise Test

Maximal Exercise



Includes blood lactate and heart rate measurements to identify training zones, submaximal oxygen uptake and maximal oxygen uptake



Detailed Description

The Maximal Exercise Test will provide you with information on key submaximal and maximal physiological markers, including assessments of lactate thresholds, submaximal oxygen uptake and maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max).  Lactate threshold assessment will highlight current areas of physiological strengths and weaknesses.  Through this assessment, training zones are established to enable you to plan training more effectively and ensure training is specific to you as an individual.  In addition, lactate threshold profiles are also very useful in monitoring your progression over time and VO2max is an important indicator of aerobic fitness. This assessment would involve you running/cycling/rowing (depending on your specific sport) at increasing intensities until exhaustion.  Fingertip blood samples are taken to measure blood lactate along with continuous measurement of oxygen uptake and heart rate.  After your assessment you will be provided with a detailed written report, with further verbal feedback if required.  Prior to purchasing, please contact the Exercise Physiology Team at sparc-exphys@uws.ac.uk  to arrange your appointment. Once you have purchased the assessment, a pre-questionnaire will be emailed to you. 

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