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Lung Function Test

Lung function



Includes a range of tests to check how well your lungs are functioning using the flow of air through your lungs, the size and volume of your lungs, and how efficiently they work.



Detailed Description

Lung Function Tests (also known as pulmonary function tests) are a group of tests which measure how well your lungs work.   Results can indicate early signs of lung disease and conditions such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis and asthma. These tests are used to look for the cause of breathing problems, such as shortness of breath. After your assessment you will be provided with a detailed written report, with further verbal feedback if required.  Prior to purchasing, please contact the Exercise Physiology Team at sparc-exphys@uws.ac.uk  to arrange your appointment. Once you have purchased the assessment, a pre-questionnaire will be emailed to you.

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