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Teacher Seminar in Lublin, Poland, 5th – 12th July 2025

Yad Vashem VSS Logo Lublin (002)



Organised by Vision Schools Scotland, in partnership with the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem, Israel, this seminar will focus on the Holocaust in the Lublin area.


Detailed Description

This seminar provides an opportunity for teachers   in Scotland to develop their professional knowledge of the Holocaust by attending a 8 day seminar that is organised by Vision Schools Scotland at the University of the West of Scotland, the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem, and  Yad Vashem’s partner, NN Theatre-Brama Grodzka in Lublin. This seminar follows a successful seminar that Yad Vashem held with this partner in July 2024, for teachers in England on behalf of the Holocaust Educational Trust.

The seminar will be presented by the two principal guides/ instructors, Yiftach Meiri and Tal Schwartz.  Dr Andrew Killen, UWS and Depute Director Vision Schools Scotland will lead the group.


This programme comprises a combination of site- based activities, lectures and workshops. Site visits include visit to Lublin Castle, and Old Town, Sobibor State Museum, Josefow synagogue and pre-war shtetl, Majdanek State Museum and Belzec Memorial and State Museum.


This seminar will allow teachers to discuss   historical and moral aspects of the Holocaust with experts in the field, focus on The Final Solution, participate in workshops related to Antisemitism, Operation (Aktion) Reinhardt

and share their teaching experiences  of the Holocaust with peers.  It will also facilitate discussion within the framework of the Scottish curriculum.



Travel  involves a  direct flight  from Glasgow Airport to Warsaw, and a coach drive from Warsaw to Lublin.


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